3. Meet the Team

Principal Investigator – Rachel Smallman, PhD.

I have broad interests in cognitive and motivational processes impact decision-making. Primarily, my research focuses on the function and dysfunction of counterfactual thinking, in both basic and applied contexts. Outside of the lab, I am the Director of our department’s Undergraduate Teaching Scholars Program and frequently teach our Introduction to Psychology, Social Psychology, and Teaching Scholars courses.

Email: rsmallman@tamu.edu​


TAMU Psychology Page

Google Scholar Page

Research Gate Page

Graduate Student – Kianna Arthur ​

I graduated from Lewis-Clark State College with a B.S. in Psychology in 2018. I am currently pursuing a PhD in Social and Personality Psychology under the guidance of Dr. Rachel Smallman. Broadly speaking, I am interested in the functionality of counterfactual thoughts (“If only…”) in health-related contexts. This includes both the generation and subsequent consequences of counterfactuals, specifically counterfactuals impact on an individual’s motivation and intentions to change or sustain relevant health behaviors in the future.​

Email:​ kmarthur45@tamu.edu



Graduate Student  ​- Jessica C. Lowe

I graduated from Jacksonville State University with a Bachelors degree in psychology before earning my Master’s from Stephen F. Austin State University in 2020. Currently, I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Social and Personality Psychology under the supervision of Dr. Rachel Smallman. Broadly, I am interested in counterfactual thinking relating to functionality and individual differences. Specifically, my current research is focused on understanding how counterfactual thoughts (i.e., “If only…) relate to one’s motivation and self-efficacy.

Email: lowejc@tamu.edu


Current Undergraduate Research Assistants

  • Atalie Farnsworth
  • Mika-Lyn Gargis
  • Rachel Grimsley
  • Caitlyn Hart (2024-2025 LAUNCH Research Thesis Scholar)
  • Isabella Konopaske
  • Rochelle Olivares (Undergraduate Lab Manager)
  • Simran Panjwani
  • Madi Pearcy
  • Natalie Rodriguez
  • Amaya Shenoy
  • Melody Umsted